Call or Text: 01786 462178 or 07521 186159
E-Mail: advisor@councilondisability.org
on any matter relating to physical or mental health​
Welcome To Council on Disability
We provide assistance to Forth Valley residents with all kinds of forms and benefits named below
In the last year CoD has raised £2.2 million for clients!
This is money which has gone back into the local community.
Community Links
We have been priviledged to work with the community link workers for Stirling and Clackmannanshire over the past year.
They can refer clients from GP practices who may require help with benefits etc and have given us good feedback. We have been pleased to do the same and believe that this has been a mutually positive experience which we look forward to continuing.
Need Forms Completed? See details below:
We can scribe your form whilst speaking with you on the phone and we now have some face to face appointments available.
For more information:
Please Call: 01786 462178
Text: 07521 186159
Email: advisor@councilondisability.org
Hours: 10am to 3pm
Monday to Thursday
Delivery of forms etc ? These can be handed in or put through the letter box with prior agreement but can we kindly request that you please adhere to social distancing guidelines at the door .
Updates for Face to Face service
We continue presently to operate both a telephone service and face to face appointments for assistance with Form Completion (all kinds), Mandatory Reconsiderations and Tribunal Work. Screens are in place in the office.
Where a client does not feel comfortable with a face to face appointment, we can provide phone assistance.
Since the start of the pandemic, we have provided a great deal of practical and emotional support to those struggling to cope, sometimes alone, with the effects of the pandemic. We will continue to provide this support for as long as necessary along with our other services.
Do you have some free time?
Are you looking to add to your CV or gain work experience?
Why not think about joining us as a volunteer?
If you are interested, please get in touch for an application pack. You can also download this here
Wheelchair Accessible Office!
Available From:
Monday 10am - 3pm
Tuesday 10am - 3pm
Wednesday 10am - 3pm
Thursday 10am - 3pm
Friday - Closed for Training
Please note:
Appointments will be required for completion of forms.
We are one of very few organisations who provide assistance from first application for welfare benefits, through to submission, representation and accompaniment at first tier tribunal.
Hours as Below:
We Provide:
Free Independent Specialist
information and practical help for people who have additional support needs
and anyone who has, or cares for, someone with a disabling illness or condition whether due to physical or mental ill health.
This may include assistance with:
Mandatory Reconsideration or
Redetermination​ of decisions
Tribunal Representation
Disability Living Allowance or Child Disability Payment
Personal Independence Payment or Adult Disability Payment
Universal Credit- Capability for Work Form
Employment and Support Allowance
Attendance Allowance
Blue Badge Forms/ Bus Pass
Carer's Allowance
Housing Application Forms
Scottish Welfare Fund
Food Bank Referral
Access to Aids and Equipment
Assistance to obtain medical evidence
Listening Ear/Emotional Support
Pensions/Pension Credit
Frequently Asked Questions page
Here you can find details of the measures which apply at the moment.
These will be updated regularly.